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DnD 2024 Fighter class explained

We’ve raided the 2024 Player’s Handbook to fully explain the Dungeons and Dragons Fighter 5e rules, from Second Winds to subclasses.

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a caped fighter holding a sword aloft, leading an army

The DnD 2024 Fighter is one of Dungeons and Dragons’ simplest subclasses, but that doesn’t mean it’s unimpressive. A class often falsely maligned as ‘boring’, the Fighter 5e packs a serious punch in combat and has plenty of varied subclasses and feats to experiment with. Plus, the 2024 rules make this beginner-friendly character option more tactical than ever before. This guide explains the rules for the Dungeons and Dragons Fighter class.

If you’d like to compare with the 2014 Fighter 5e rules, head to our dedicated guide. Or, if you’re looking to try something new, here’s all you need to know about the other DnD classes.

DnD 2024 Fighter class rules:

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a human fighter in half plate with an axe and an eyepatch

Hit Points

Hit dice 1d10 per Fighter level
HP at first level 10 + Constitution modifier
HP at higher levels 1d10 + Constitution modifier per Fighter level after first


Fighters are proficient in all types of DnD armor, plus shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons. They’re also proficient in Strength and Constitution saving throws. As for DnD skills, you can choose to be proficient in two of the following:

Skill Tier Reason
Acrobatics A Relies on the important Dexterity stat, with plenty of utility
Animal Handling C Wisdom is likely a dump stat for your Fighter, and this has limited uses
Athletics A If you’re building with Strength rather than Dexterity, replace Acrobatics with this
History C Uses a likely dump stat (Intelligence) and has limited utility
Insight B Useful, but Wisdom is likely a dump stat for your Fighter
Intimidation B You may have low Charisma, but some DMs allow Strength-based Intimidation rolls
Persuasion B Useful, but you might not have very high Charisma
Survival B Incredibly useful, but Wisdom is likely a dump stat

Fighting Style

Level: One

You choose a fighting style from the list of DnD 2024 feats. Your options are:

  • Archery – +2 to attack rolls with ranged weapons.
  • Blind Fighting – Gain 10ft of Blindsight.
  • Defense – +1 to armor class while in light, medium, or heavy armor.
  • Dueling – While wielding a single one-handed melee weapon, your damage rolls with it get +2.
  • Great Weapon Fighting – When rolling damage for a two-handed or versatile melee weapon, any 1 or 2 on the die is a 3.
  • Interception – When a creature you see hits another creature within five feet of you with an attack roll, you can spend a reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 plus your proficiency bonus.
  • Protection – When you see a creature attack a target other than you within five feet, you can use a reaction and your shield to give the attacker’s attack rolls disadvantage until the start of your next turn (as long as they stay within five feet).
  • Thrown Weapon Fighting – Add +2 to damage rolls with Thrown weapons.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting – When making an extra attack with a Light weapon, add your ability modifier to the damage.
  • Unarmed Fighting – Unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier, or a d8 if you aren’t holding weapons or a shield.

Any time you gain a DnD level up, you can change which fighting style your Fighter has.

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a viking style fighter bashing an enemy with a shield

Second Wind

Level: One

As a bonus action, you can regain HP equal to 1d10 plus your Fighter level. Second Wind can be used twice, and both uses are restored on a long rest (though you can regain one use of it after finishing a short rest).

When you reach level four, you have three uses of Second Wind instead of two. This increases to four uses once you reach level 10.

Weapon Mastery

Level: One

In addition to Fighting Styles, Fighters can now use the new weapon mastery system to gain special effects for their favorite weapons. See our DnD weapon mastery guide for more information on your options.

From level one, Fighters can access three weapon mastery options. This increases to four at level four, five at level 10, and finally six at level 16.

Action Surge

Level: Two

Once per short or long rest, you can use Action Surge to take an additional action. The only restriction is that this can’t be a Magic action. Once you reach level 17, your Fighter can use Action Surge twice before they need a short or long rest.

Tactical Mind

Level: Two

Tactical Mind means that, when you fail an ability check, you can expend one use of Second Wind. Instead of restoring hit points, you can add the 1d10 to the ability check. If the check fails, the Second Wind use does not get expended.

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a female presenting fighter in full plate with a red longsword over her shoulder

Fighter Subclass

You’ll pick your Fighter subclass – or martial archetype – at third level. These are the options found in the 2024 Player’s Handbook:


The core mechanic of a Battlemaster is their combat maneuvers, which are tied to the level-three Combat Superiority ability. You learn three maneuvers at level three, and two additional maneuvers at levels seven, 10, and 15. Any time you learn a new maneuver, you can replace one you already know with a different one.

Combat Maneuver Summary
Ambush Spend and roll a Superiority Die, adding it to your Stealth or Initiative roll.
Bait and Switch Spend a Superiority Die to switch places with another creature within five feet. This gives them an AC bonus equal to your Die’s roll.
Commander’s Strike Spend a Die to replace an attack with a command. This lets another creature make a weapon or unarmed strike attack as a reaction, adding the Die’s result to the damage.
Commanding Presence Add a Superiority Die to your Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion check.
Disarming Attack Spend a Superiority Die to increase an attack’s damage and force a target you just hit to make a Strength save, disarming them on a success.
Distracting Strike Spend a Die to increase an attack’s damage and give the next attack roll against that target advantage.
Evasive Footwork As a bonus action, spend a Die to disengage. Additionally, add the Die’s result to your AC until the start of your next turn.
Feinting Attack As a bonus action, spend a Superiority Die to give yourself advantage on your next attack against a target. The Superiority Die’s roll is added to the damage for that attack.
Goading Attack Spend a Die to increase an attack’s damage and force the target to make a Wisdom save, giving them disadvantage on attacks against anyone but you on a failed roll.
Lunging Attack As a bonus action, spend a Superiority Die to Dash. If you move five feet in a straight line before hitting with a melee attack, you add the Die’s result to the damage roll.
Maneuvering Attack Spend a Die to increase an attack’s damage and let a willing creature move up to half its speed as a reaction.
Menacing Attack Spend a Superiority Die to increase an attack’s damage and force the target to make a Wisdom save, giving them the frightened condition on a failure.
Parry When a creature damages you with a melee attack, spend a reaction and a Die to reduce the damage.
Precision Attack When you miss with an attack roll, spend a Die and add its result to the roll.
Pushing Attack Spend a Die to increase an attack’s damage and push a creature 15 feet away from you if it fails a Strength saving throw.
Rally As a bonus action, spend a Die to give an ally within 30 feet temporary HP equal to the Die’s roll plus half your Fighter level.
Riposte When a creature misses you with a melee attack, spend a Die to make a melee attack, with the die’s result as extra damage.
Sweeping Attack Spend a Die to damage another creature after you’ve already made a successful attack.
Tactical Assessment Spend a Superiority Die and add its roll to a History, Investigation, or Insight check.
Trip Attack Spend a Die to increase an attack’s damage and knock a creature prone if it fails a Strength save.

Many maneuvers call for you to spend and roll Superiority Dice, which are d8s that replenish on a short or long rest. You start with four Superiority Dice, and you gain another at levels seven and 15. Any saving throw your maneuvers call for has a DC of eight plus your Strength or Dexterity modifier, as well as your proficiency bonus.

The Battlemaster also gets the Student of War ability at level three, and this gives them proficiency with one type of Artisan’s DnD tools and one extra Fighter skill of their choice.

At level seven, you’ll gain Know Your Enemy, a bonus action that tells you the immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities of a creature you can see within 30 feet. This feature can be used once before you need to finish a long rest or spend a Superiority Die to refresh it.

Improved Combat Superiority turns your Superiority Die from d8s into d10s at level 10. And at level 15, you’ll gain the once-per-turn Relentless ability, which lets you roll 1d8 and use its result rather than spending a Superiority Die to use a maneuver. Finally, at level 18, Ultimate Combat Superiority turns your Superiority Die into d12s.

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a female presenting fighter wearing a shielf and a headscarf


From level three, the Champion gains two new abilities: Improved Critical and Remarkable Athlete. The first allows you to roll a critical hit on weapon and unarmed strike attacks with a result of 19 or 20.

The second gives you advantage on Initiative and Athletics rolls. Plus, when you land a critical hit, you can move up to half your speed without triggering opportunity attacks.

Additional Fighting Style gives you another feat from this category at level seven. At level 10, Heroic Warrior means that, if you start your turn without Heroic Inspiration, you can automatically give it to yourself.

From level 15, Superior Critical means that a roll of 18 or higher is a critical hit for unarmed strikes and weapon attacks. Lastly, at level 18, Survivor gives you advantage on death saves, with a roll of 18 or higher counting as a critical success. It also means that, at the start of each of your turns, you gain HP equal to five plus your Constitution modifier if you were missing at least half of your HP.

DnD 2024 Dwarf Fighter

Eldritch Knight

The Eldritch Knight stands out as it’s the only Fighter subclass to gain access to spellcasting. At level three, you learn two DnD 2024 Wizard cantrips, plus three level-one Wizard spells.

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability, and you gain more spells and spell slots as you level up. You can use an Arcane Focus for Wizard spells. Eldritch Knights can now swap out cantrips and spells whenever they gain a Fighter level.

Spell slots per spell level
Fighter level Cantrips Prepared Spells 1 2 3 4
3 2 3 2
4 2 4 3
5 2 4 3
6 2 4 3
7 2 5 4 2
8 2 6 4 2
9 2 6 4 2
10 3 7 4 3
11 3 8 4 3
12 3 8 4 3
13 3 9 4 3 2
14 3 10 4 3 2
15 3 10 4 3 2
16 3 11 4 3 3
17 3 11 4 3 3
18 3 11 4 3 3
19 3 12 4 3 3 1
20 3 13 4 3 3 1

You also gain the War Bond ability at level three, which means you can perform a ritual with a duration of one hour during a short rest. Doing so forges a magical bond with a weapon of your choice.

You can’t be disarmed of this weapon unless you become incapacitated, and you can teleport it to your hand as a bonus action as long as it’s on the same plane of existence. Eldritch Knights can bond with up to two weapons at the same time.

At level seven, War Magic lets you replace one of the attacks you make as part of the Attack action with a Wizard cantrip, providing that cantrip takes an action to cast. Later, the level-10 Eldritch Strike ability means that, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the target has disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell you cast before the end of your next turn.

Arcane Charge is a level-15 feature that means, when you use your Action Surge, you can teleport up to 30 feet, either before or after your extra action. Finally, from level 18 comes Improved War Magic. When you make an attack action on your turn, you can replace two of the attacks with the casting of a level-one or level-two spell that has a casting time of one action.

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a Psi Warrior Fighter using a Psionic shield to block arrows

Psi Warrior

From level three, Psionic Power gives you a pool of Psionic Energy Dice to fuel your unique abilities. You regain one spent die when you finish a short rest, and all are replenished after a long rest.

Fighter level Die size Number
3 d6 4
5 d8 6
9 d8 8
11 d10 8
13 d10 10
17 d12 12

Initially, you can spend your Psionic Energy Dice on these powers:

  • Protective Field – When you or a creature you see within 30 feet takes damage, you can spend and roll a Psionic Energy Die as a reaction, reducing the damage by the result plus your Intelligence modifier.
  • Psionic Strike – Once per turn, after you damage a target within 30 feet with a weapon attack, you can spend and roll a Psionic Energy Die, dealing force damage equal to the result plus your Intelligence modifier.
  • Telekinetic Movement – As an action, choose a Large or smaller object within 30 feet or a willing creature. You can move them up to 30 feet. This ability can only be used once before you need to finish a rest or spend a Psionic Energy Die to restore its use.

At level seven, Telekinetic Adept gives you new options for your Psionic Energy Dice:

  • Psi-Powered Leap – As a bonus action, you give yourself a fly speed that’s twice your walking speed. This can only be done once before you need to finish a rest or spend a Psionic Energy Die to restore its use.
  • Telekinetic Thrust – When you deal damage with Psionic Strike, you can force targets to make a Strength save, knocking them prone or pushing them 10 feet horizontally on a failure.

From level 10, you gain resistance to psychic damage thanks to the Guarded Mind ability. Additionally, you can spend a Psionic Energy Die at the start of your turn to end any charmed and frightened conditions that afflict you.

At level 15, you gain Bulwark of Force. This means, as a bonus action, you can choose creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier that are within 30 feet, and each gains the benefits of half cover for one minute or until you’re incapacitated. This feature replenishes when you finish a long rest or spend a Psionic Energy Die to restore its use.

Then, at level 18, Telekinetic Master means that a short rest now restores one Psionic Energy Die, and you always have the Telekinesis spell prepared. You can also cast this spell without a spell slot or components, using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability. While concentrating on this DnD spell, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action. This ability can be used once before you need a long rest or you spend a Psionic Energy Die to replenish it.

DnD 2024 Fighter class guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a Dragonborn fighter wearnig full plate armor

Ability Score Improvement

Level: Four, Six, Eight, 12, 14, 16

As in fifth edition, you gain one of the following:

  • +2 to any one stat
  • +1 to two DnD stats
  • A free feat

Extra Attack

Level: Five, 11, 20

When you make an attack action on your turn, you can attack twice instead of once. At level 11, you can make two Extra Attacks instead of one. Finally, at level 20, you gain three additional attacks, meaning you can attack four times with one attack action.

Tactical Master

Level: Nine

Whenever you attack with a weapon you’ve mastered, Tactical Master means you can replace its mastery property with Push, Sap, or Slow for that attack.

Studied Attacks

Level: 13

If you miss an attack roll against a creature, Studied Attacks means you have advantage on your next attack roll against them before the end of your next turn.

Epic Boon

Level: 19

Every class now gets an Epic Boon at the 19th level, a reward once exclusive to 20th-level characters during high-level adventures. Check out our 2024 DnD feats guide to see what Epic Boons fit your playstyle best.

Our DnD 2024 backgrounds and DnD races guides can help you find character options that perfectly complement your preferred Fighter build. Or, for more on the new rules, here’s our 2024 Player’s Handbook review.