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New DnD rules let Bards pick from four whole spell lists

In the new edition of Dungeons and Dragons, when Bards hit level 10, their 'Magical Secrets' open up a new world of spellcasting options

The latest Dungeons and Dragons preview video reveals updated rules for the Bard, and there’s a subtle but impactful overhaul to one key feature. In One DnD, the Bard’s level 10 ability ‘Magical Secrets’ will expand their spell list to include every Cleric, Druid, and Wizard spell.

In some ways, this version of the DnD Bard class feature is a little more restrictive than the DnD 5e version. The current version of Magical Secrets lets the Bard pick two spells from any spell list and add them to their spells known, at levels 10, 14, and 18.

The version in the upcoming Player’s Handbook – which you’ll find on the DnD release schedule for September 17 – will be restricted to nabbing spells from three DnD classes, the Wizard, Cleric, and Druid. However, as lead designer Jeremy Crawford explains, this is “paired with a greater amount of liberty… “You may choose any of your prepared spells from these lists”.

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The accompanying DnD Beyond article clarifies “Magical Secrets now lets you select spells from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list every time you can add to your Prepared Spell list, and have them count as Bard spells” . In essence, from level 10, the Bard spell list also contains the spells from all three other classes.

So rather than picking six spells from other lists in total, every new spell the Bard learns from level 10 to 20 could be from one of four lists. There’s also the option to swap out one of your known spells for a different one each time you gain a level. The Bard will be able to curate their spell list like no other class.

The fact the Bard can “only” pull from three additional classes  isn’t intended to balance this flexibility, but is part of a wider programme to rationalise which spells are accessible across classes. Crawford states that the Magic Initiate DnD feat – which lets a character dip into a spell list – has likewise been restricted to just Druid, Cleric, and Wizard spells.

Crawford explains: “we wanted to make sure the Bard was only looting spell lists that are designed to be lootable”. He adds that most “spell lists are highly tailored to a niche identity”, but the Druid, Wizard, and Cleric are the “emblematic spell lists for the three main sources of magic”, arcane, primal, and divine, and are designed to be pillaged from.

If you want inspiration for a new Bardic character build, check out our guides to all the DnD races to help you generate a character concept!