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Warhammer 40k’s 2025 “roadmap” teases more Krieg and Eldar elites

The Nova Open preview for Warhammer 40,000 reveals the Astra Militarum and Aeldari Codexes will be accompanied by long-demanded new minis.

Warhammer 40k Death Korps of Krieg rider model, from a faction teased to arrive in 2025

“A division of new plastic kits” will turn the Death Korps of Krieg “from a mere Kill Team” into a full “meat-grinding army” for Warhammer 40k next year, according to Games Workshop’s newly revealed 40k roadmap. The Aeldari will follow, and there’s a heavy hint that the Swooping Hawks will get long-awaited plastic models.

The Warhammer 40k roadmap, which Games Workshop revealed during the Nova Open preview stream on Wednesday, isn’t really worthy of the name: it’s more like a set of directions scrawled on the back of a napkin.

We know that three Warhammer 40k factions will receive new releases in 2025, starting with the Death Korps of Krieg subfaction for the Astra Militarum, then the Aeldari, and then something for the forces of Chaos. An Imperial Knights codex is on the roadmap too.

A roadmap for Warhammer 40k releases into 2025, revealed at the Nova Open preview

The Death Korps have quite a substantial model range at Forge World, first released for the Siege of Vraks campaign books. As well as variants on standard Militarum equipment, their range includes unique units like the heavy siege artillery, ‘death rider’ cavalry, and the hades breaching drill.

Then there are the colossal transports vehicles like the Gorgon armored assault transport which, while not purely a Krieg vehicle, were released at the same time as the regiment.

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The Aeldari release will “round out some of the Aspect Warriors”, according to developer Stu (no surname listed). The accompanying Warhammer Community article says the Aeldari will be the “next faction to swoop into stores”. It’s a strong tease that we’ll get new models for the jetpack equipped, grenade-dropping Swooping Hawks.

They’ll join the Banshee, Dark Reapers, and Striking Scorpions among the Aspect Shrines to receive modern miniatures. Maybe Aeldari collectors will be lucky and get new Fire Dragons and Warp Spiders at the same time? We can hope.

GW promises “really exciting stuff on the horizon for the forces of Chaos”. A standalone Emperor’s Children release seems most likely, as their unique units were dropped from the most recent Chaos Space Marines Warhammer 40k Codex and moved to a standalone Index. There could be a curve ball of course, and we might see some meat added to the steel bones of Vashtorr the Arkifane’s forces, or another unique 40k Chaos Daemon.

All that, and not a hint of a Space Marine, not even a limited edition Primaris Lieutenant! Though much less content was revealed than during the Kill Team preview – which came with the unexpected reveal of Kill Team third edition – the hints we’ve got are, at least, tantalising.