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Warhammer 40k reveals decadent new Emperor’s Children army

Games Workshop previewed the updated Emperor’s Children range for Warhammer 40,000 in all its profane beauty during the Las Vegas Open.

Preview of a new Emperor's Children model from the Las Vegas Open, a baroque Space Marine draped in cloaks, jewels, and chains, carrying a whip and pointing a strange pistol

Games Workshop has unveiled the new range of Warhammer 40,000 models for the refreshed Emperor’s Children army, as part of its Las Vegas Open preview stream on Thursday. These latest reveals include new versions of special character Lucius the Eternal, the classic Noise Marines, and brand new, never-before seen units.

After decades existing as a sub-faction within the Chaos Space Marines, the Emperor’s Children will make the leap to a standalone Warhammer 40k faction this year. Lucius the Eternal and the Noise Marines have been part of Warhammer 40k for years, so it’s the brand new models that give fans the biggest hint about how this army will play on the tabletop.

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An article on the Warhammer Community website also brings the unexpected news that the Emperor’s Children will actually be among the first wave of new Warhammer 40k codexes to arrive in 2025. Given how much businesses like to organise things into ‘quarters’, we assume this means they’ll be here by the end of winter or start of spring.

Here’s what Games Workshop has revealed for the Emperor’s Children:

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children army set

Emperor’s Children army set

Many of the new Emperor’s Children kits will first be available as an army set, which will contain the following:

  • Lord Exultant
  • Tormentors x 10
  • Infractors x 10
  • Noise Marines x 12
  • Emperor’s Children codex
  • Datacards

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children Lucius the Eternal

Lucius the Eternal

Lucius the Eternal is, and always has been, a grinning, devious bastard. He actually appears in the very first of the Horus Heresy books and (spoilers) betrays his allies before the end of book three. In the 10,000 years since the end of the Heresy he has been gifted obscene power by Slaanesh, patron deity of the Emperor’s Children.

Notably, though he has died several times, he simply won’t stay dead. A foe that feels even the slightest shred of satisfaction for killing Lucius will find themselves, little by little, transforming into him, finally reduced to a screaming face somewhere on his cursed armor.

Lucius can be a unit leader, but he actually fights better as a Lone Operative. If his rules match his lore, he should be an absolute character blender.

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children Noise Marines

Noise Marines

Noise Marines are fallen Space Marines dedicated to cacophonic noise and excess, biologically modified to both create and perceive unholy frequencies of sound, and equipped with xenos-inspired, warp-tainted sonic weapons. They’re bigger and tougher than regular marines – similar to Havocs – and come in units of six, the favored number of Slaanesh.

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children Tormentors

Tormentors / Infractors

The models for Tormentors and Infractors are a new multipart kit that’s roughly analogous to regular Chaos Space Marines – but a little bit better, of course. Tormentors are a new battleline unit with OC2; objectives that they claim stay claimed even after they depart from them. They have the Warhammer 40k ability Infiltrators, and are equipped with bolters and specialist ranged weapons.

Infractors are melee focused, with the ability to make a scout move before the battle starts, and they have the character-hunting ‘precision’ ability. They also have a movement speed of seven inches, making them quite a nippy infantry unit.

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children flawless blades

Flawless Blades

Flawless Blades are a new elite unit, which will come in squads of just three models. Equipped with Bliss Blades, they each have a deal with a daemonic patron, whose aid they can call on for even greater melee prowess. Should they fail to slay their foe after invoking their patron’s aid, they will be killed instead…

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children Lord Exultant

Lord Exultant

A Lord Exultant is a new leader in the Emperor’s Children army, equivalent to a Chaos Lord. The kit can be built with a variety of options, including a phoenix power spear, a master-crafted power sword, rupture lash, power fist, and a plasma pistol or sonic pistol. Once per battle he can use “euphoric strikes” to become a melee blender.

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children Lord Kakophonous

Lord Kakophonist

The Lord Kakophonist is a brand new character model, a champion among the Noise Marines, able to scream in the frequencies of the warp itself. He’s equipped with a massive array of speakers known as a Doom Siren which – in previous editions of the rules – has functioned like an armor-piercing, sonic flamethrower.

When leading a unit of Noise Marines, his soecuak ryke Obsessive Enunciation grants them the Sustained Hits ability.

Emperor’s Children Combat Patrol

Games Workshop has also revealed the contents of an upcoming Emperor’s Children combat patrol, which will contain:

  • Flawless Blades x 6
  • Tormentors / Infractors x 10
  • Lord Exultant

Warhammer 40k Emperor's Children codex

Emperor’s Children Codex

The Emperor’s Children codex will first be available in their army set. As well as the things we expect from a codex, such as new Warhammer 40k detachments and the stats for each of their units, GW has revealed that their ‘dex will also contain rules for bringing daemons of Slaanesh as part of the army.

If you want to learn more about the depraved wretches in the Emperor’s Children legion, make sure you check out our guide to their Primarch Fulgrim – whose sinuous and sinful new model has already been revealed by Games Workshop.