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Here’s every Warhammer 40k deal in the Humble Bundle summer sale

The Humble Summer sale is here - and we've found 80 fantastic deals on top tier games for Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, and more.

Warhammer 40k Humble Bundle Summer Sale deals - Chaos Gate Daemonhunters Duty Eternal artwork showing a Grey Knights Venerable Dreadnought firing its heavy flamer

Humble Bundle has been doling out a surprising bevy of bargains for Warhammer 40k fans recently, and the Humble Summer Spectacular Sale sees that trend continue in videogame land. There are over 5,000 games and DLC packs in the sale, and I’ve trudged through them all to bring you all 80-odd Warhammer deals together in one place.

This is your chance to get the best Warhammer 40k games at up to 90% off. Highlights include half off Chaos Gate Daemonhunters (if you like games like XCOM, you’ll love it); 85% off Space Hulk Tactics (the digital adaptation of the classic Space Marines versus Genestealers game); and a decent 45% off Darktide (a delightfully grim co-op multiplayer FPS game). There are so many Warhammer 40k deals, that it’s safe to say that whatever you like about the universe, you’ll be able to find something you like here.

Here’s every Warhammer deal in the Humble Bundle Summer Spectacular Sale, in order of how big the discount is:

For those with a broader taste for all things Warhammer, we’ve also picked out all the discounts on anything that falls under the Warhammer umbrella. There’s 80% off both Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin (those who’ve read our Realms of Ruin review will know we gave this under-rated RTS game a solid 9/10), and the splendid co-op slash-fest Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (that sits proudly in our list of the best Warhammer fantasy games) – just in time to try out its newly released Versus mode. And a lot, lot more besides.

Warhammer 40k Summer Sale items, Vemintide and Chaosbane.

90 – 99% off

Warhammer 40k Humble Summer sale items that are between 80 and 89% off, including Dawn of War II, Space Hulk Tactics, and Inquisitor: Martyr.

80 – 89% off

Warhammer 40k Humble Summer Sale items that are between 70 and 79% off, including Chaos Gate Daemonhunters, Dawn of War II Retribution, and Sanctus Reach.

70 – 79% off

Warhammer 40k Humble Summer Sale items that are between 60 and 69% off, including Darktide, Horrors of the Warp, and Legacy of Weirdboy.

60 – 69% off

Warhammer 40k Summer Sale Humble Bundle items that are between 50 and 59% off, including Winds of Magic, the Sororitas DLC for Inquistor Martyr, and Duty Eternal.

50 – 59% off

Warhammer 40k Humble Bundle Summer Sale items that are between 40 and 49% off, including Shootas, Blood, and Teef, Battlesector, and Tomb Kings.

40 – 49% off

Warhammer 40k Humble Summer Sale items that are between 30 and 39% off, including Boltgun, Gladius Tau, and Gladius Carftworld Aeldari.

30 – 39% off

Warhammer 40k Summer Sale items that are currently between 20 and 29% off, including Boltgun Forges of Corruption, Battle Sector Sisters of Battle, and Battle Sector Orks.

20 – 29% off

Warhammer 40k Humble Summer Sale image showing items that are between 10 and 19% off, including the Gladius Escalation Pack, Battlesector Tau, and Battle Sector Tyranid Elites.

10 – 19% off

This sale only runs Tuesday, September 2, 2024, so make sure you don’t miss your chance to scoop up these bargains.

Once you’ve bought whatever you want to buy in the sale, you might like to read our guide all about Warhammer 40k 10th edition, or perhaps brush up on Warhammer 40k factions? Either way, we’ve got lots of great stuff for you to read.