This gothic, heavy-metal, Elden Ring-boss styled angel is the new model for Warhammer‘s Knight-Azyros, a reimagining of a classic Stormcast Eternals figure. Games Workshop revealed the updated model on Wednesday, which will be available after the release of Age of Sigmar 4th edition.
The Knights-Azyros have been part of the Stormcast Eternals Age of Sigmar army since the game’s first edition. The Warhammer Community article that the model was revealed in describes the Knights as “winged warriors that carry the radiant starlight of Azyr in their sacred lanterns”. In the current edition of Age of Sigmar they can turn that light on a nearby enemy unit to make it easier for your other forces to clobber it in melee.
The new kit can also represent Tornus the Redeemed, “a legendary Knight-Azyros”. Tornus featured in the Realmgate Wars narrative for first edition AOS. A mortal warrior captured and corrupted by the plague god Nurgle, he became Torglug the Despised, until the Celestant-Prime smashed the Chaos out of him with Sigmar’s very own hammer, Ghal Maraz.
The photo GW uses to show off Tornus in the WarCom article looks exactly the same as the base Knight-Azyros, except he’s wearing the Hallowed Knights silver instead of the gold of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, so this might just be a case where GW is giving a name to a model without any rules. Then again, the Hallowed Knights are the poster-Stormcast for this edition, so there’s a chance.
The glow-up that the Knight-Azyros model has received, compared to the already-impressive first edition kit, is simply remarkable. GW has ramped up the gothic grandeur and sinister energy radiating from the Stormcast, making them more grimdark than ever.
When GW announced it was removing big chunks of the Stormcast range from production, we argued that the Stormcast had failed to become as iconic as the Space Marines they are so obviously styled after, despite having really very good lore. The wave of kits coming for Age of Sigmar 4th edition absolutely sells the idea that being a Stormcast means leaving your humanity behind.

They are still pretty Space Marine-y, though. If you fancy painting these big armored boys and aren’t sure where to start, check out our guide on how to paint Space Marines – the techniques and the color theory are absolutely cross-applicable.