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Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s giant new zombie dragon is horrifically gorgeous

An updated model for the vampire Prince Vhordrai rides into Warhammer Age of Sigmar on the back of the Revenant Draconith Shordemaire.

Warhamemr Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Prince Vordhrai, a vampire in blood red armor, riding a huge undead dragon

Games Workshop has revealed a whole range of updated miniatures for the Soulblight Gravelords, headed up by a colossal new centerpiece model – Prince Vhordrai, who rides atop the zombie dragon Shordemaire. Warhammer Age of Sigmar players who collect any of the other Death factions will also be to bring (most of) this model in their armies, thanks to a new Regiment of Renown consisting of a single Revenant Draconith.

The new Soulblight Gravelords models for Warhammer Age of Sigmar were revealed during the Las Vegas Open preview stream on Thursday. Most of the reveals were new models for the skeletal Deathrattle subfaction, and will first be available as part of a limited edition army  set.

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Here’s what’s coming for the Soulblight Gravelords:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Prince Vordhrai on revenant draconith

Prince Vhordrai / Revenant Draconith

Prince Vhordrai is a vampire character who earned the displeasure of Nagash and is now bound to the teleporting arcane ruin known as the Crimson Keep. He is a paragon among the Blood Knights, and rides atop the undead dragon Shordemaire – the first Draconith to dabble in necromancy.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords revenant draconith

This updated kit can also be built without the rider and fielded as a Revenant Draconith. This massive monster fits on a 160mm-wide base, an inch wider than the current zombie dragon model. These huge beasts can ‘fly high’, leaving the battlefield and returning to the fight in a future turn.

If you collect any of the other Death-aligned Age of Sigmar armies, you can take one of these monsters, thanks to the new ‘Beast of Castle Sternieste’ Regiment of Renown that will appear in the upcoming Soulblight Gravelords battletome. The rules here are pretty simple – it lets you take a Revenant Draconith, no fuss.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Vampire on Nightmare

Vampire Lord on Nightmare

The Vampire Lord on Nightmare is a new mounted commander for the Soulblight. GW hasn’t hinted at any new rules for these masters of the night, but expect them to be combat monsters with more than a hint of magic and, most likely, some synergies with the Blood Knights cavalry.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Wight King on skeletal steed

Wight Lord or Wight King on skeletal steed

This new cavalry commander kit can be built as either a Wight Lord or a Wight King, the reanimated remnants of an ancient ruler from one of the Barrow kingdoms of yore. They’re skeleton warriors  on the back of skeleton horses – what’s not to like?

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Barrow Guard

Barrow Guard

The Barrow Guard are an updated and renamed version of the Grave Guard, elite warriors who were buried alongside their monarch. They can be equipped with sword and shield or two-handed falchions.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Barrow Knights

Barrow Knights

Similarly, the Barrow Knights are updated and renamed versions of the Black Knights, the reanimated skeletons of ancient nobles.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle army set

Deathrattle army set

The new Soulblight Gravelords battletome, and the updated models for Wight King, Barrow Guard, and Barrow Knights, will first be available in the Deathrattle army set, which will contain:

  • Barrow Guard x 20
  • Barrow Knights x 5
  • Wight Lord or Wight King on skeletal steed
  • Soulblight Gravelords battletome
  • Warscrolls

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulblight Gravelords spearhead

Soulblight Gravelords spearhead

Games Workshop has announced the contents of a new Soulblight Gravelords Spearhead bundle. Though this will replace the current Spearhead on store shelves, the rules for the existing Spearhead will remain valid. The new Spearhead will contain:

  • Barrow Knights x 5
  • Barrow Guard x 10
  • Wight King on foot
  • Deathrattle skeletons x 20

This kit will feature a new sprue for the Deathrattle Skeletons which will apparently be “easier to build” than the current one.

The Soulblight Gravelords have been eating like undead kings with each wave of new releases, and this new batch of previews is no exception. We also won’t be surprised if we see a lot more Vampire Counts Warhammer: The Old World armies once these kits are on shelves…