It's time to talk Total War: PHARAOH. If you're a big strategy fan or Total War veteran, this one has probably been on your radar for ages, so we thought we'd get into the finer details of what this latest installment in the popular franchise is all about. If you've not yet read our review, you can do so here: Total War: Pharaoh review – a worthy yet flawed pretender.
The Total War brand is legendary for good reason, with a nice balance of historical detail and gritty, tactical battles. Far more nuanced than just running headlong into battles, you'll also be tasked with managing a civilization, with all the political and diplomatic maneuvering that entails. Total War: PHARAOH contains a full campaign of tactical responsibilities in a game that looks set to evolve all we know about Total War.

Let’s get ready for the turmoil and triumphs of the Bronze Age with a quick primer on Total War: PHARAOH’s new campaign features.
Setting the scene
The Total War franchise is famous for choosing exceptional historical backdrops for their games, and history buffs will already know that there are few times of greater upheaval than the Bronze Age collapse. We’ve had a few games focused on more romanticized historical events with A Total War Saga: TROY and Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – both of which emphasized the fables of military might from real historical cultures – but with Total War: PHARAOH we are firmly back in non-fiction territory.
Egypt’s might had reached its peak, but a period of civil war escalated so dramatically every surrounding civilization was dragged into conflict and chaos. As the player, you’ll be able to pick a leader from an array of competing factions, including from some cultures that disappeared entirely after the collapse. Take control and rewrite history with these characters.
The leaders are Seti II, Amenmesse, Tausret, and Ramesses III from Egypt’s great dynasties; Irsu and Bay of the Canaanites; and Suppiluliuma II and Kurunta, two Hittites from Anatolia. Players will have the chance to embody these renowned and varied leaders, giving them an extended legacy as they play. Each of the playable leaders has a different personality and strength, with some being scheming tactical geniuses, some being great fearsome warlords, and some more suited to the path of a diplomat. As Creative Assembly puts it; “the objective is not just to become Pharaoh or Great King, but to challenge the inevitable downfall of Ancient Egypt with the Collapse of the Bronze Age”. Will you be swept along by the tides of history, or manage to stand firm in the face of the looming collapse?
People and places
From the three geographic in-game areas, Egypt, Canaan, and Anatolia, you will be rewarded with sturdy warriors and challenging foes. The game presents the land as it would have been – from the lush banks of the Nile to the barren deserts that stretch on for miles – and you will have to grapple with forces of nature beyond your control at times.
Likewise, the dynamic weather features will present challenges (or even advantages) at times. Weather can change in an instant and can have an impact on the terrain, transforming a bright battlefield into a drenched waste in no time at all. Storms will lower missile units’ effectiveness, sandstorms will lower visibility and deal damage per second, and sweltering heat will increase the rate of unit fatigue and the speed at which fire spreads…these are just a few of the forces of nature you’ll have to contend with.
Players will have to adapt to Egyptian culture and manage the pervasive nature of religion and tradition. Pay heed to the cosmic balance of all things as the Pillars of Civilization mechanic comes into play. If these metaphorical pillars should crumble, you’ll be wiped from the history books in no time. A peaceful and prosperous civilization is blessed with luck and growth, while a civilization falling into disarray runs the risk of more natural disasters and unease creating the perfect conditions for invasion or civil war. Upgrade and protect your Cult Centers to keep chaos at bay, and keep a handle on instability as best you can.
You will also have the chance to worship up to three Egyptian gods, who may not intervene directly in your favor, but may provide bonuses to buildings, settlements, and units. Building shrines and temples keep the gods happy, but should you displease them in some way, the punishments will be felt.
Crowning glory
You may not start the game as a monarch, but play your cards right and you’ll soon ascend. As Pharaoh or Great King, you’ll be able to adorn yourself in all manner of regalia to increase your authority and power. As a royal you will have to keep an eye out for usurpers or those who would challenge your claim… they can be dealt with either through diplomacy or destruction.
As a great leader, you’ll also want to tap into some of the legends your ancestors left behind. These powerful narrative tales have been used all throughout history, to rally or subdue the masses and bestow divine authority on those in charge. Total War: PHARAOH is no different. The Ancient Legacy mechanic allows you to recreate these great deeds to further specialize your faction by emulating a past leader. If, for example, you wish to be seen as a successor to the great Pharaoh Khufu, you may wish to dedicate yourself to the construction of mighty pyramids across the map. This will come with its own challenges, however, diverting many resources from other worthy causes.
Check out our guide on Legitimacy and becoming Pharaoh here.
Combat changes
No two campaigns in Total War: PHARAOH will ever feel the same. Before embarking on your battles you’ll have a chance to stack the odds against yourself, or give yourself unmatched advantages – the power is in your hands. There have been several key changes to combat in this new game, including upping the realism with armor degradation statistics that will reduce until breaking point, leaving your unit exposed unless you counter.
New unit stances will provide a tactical approach to the changing terrain that is unique to Total War: PHARAOH. Putting your units in Advance stance will push other units back as they march on, Hold stance will prompt your units to dig in their heels, while Give Ground will provide space for a tactical retreat while facing the enemy to minimize losses. Each of these stances has many variations which will change depending on your unit types.
Combat also looks better than ever with improved animations across all units, adding to the immersion by showing troops from both sides exchanging blows. Your leader will be protected by unique bodyguards that you can build from an array of armor, shields, weapons, and mounts, so be sure to deploy them with tact.
Buy Total War: PHARAOH now on Steam.