There isn’t going to be a Warhammer: The Old World starter set, according to Games Workshop presenter Eddie Eccles, though there will be products that “make it easy” for people to jump into the game. Eccles revealed the information when answering questions at the end of an Old World reveal show at Warhammer Fest on Sunday.
While there won’t be a new Warhammer The Old World starter set, rules resources will be made available online for every army that was present in eighth edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles – just like how Warhammer 40k 10th edition will launch with free rules for every army.
The presentation reiterated information we already know; the game will be set around the Old World section of the Warhammer World in the Time of the Three Emperors, and just before the Great War Against Chaos. Eccles emphasised that the focus will be on the armies battling in The Old World itself (rather than Lustria or far Cathay), and these will be the first to receive army books – with the Tomb Kings and Bretonnia at the head of the queue.
Every faction that comes under the spotlight will have some old plastic kits return to production, receive new kits in plastic, a few metal kits, and new characters “and things” in Forge World resin. Games Workshop showed off two new models, a Tomb King with hand weapon, and an unmounted Bretonnian Paladin, both of them resin. GW confirmed that the much-loved Tomb Kings Necrosphinx model will return to production.