Ever wanted to mix Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch with the world’s most popular roleplaying game? Well, luckily, this DnD homebrewer has already taken care of it. In just the last month, Portuguese game design student Pedro Nande has bashed out four Overwatch-themed subclasses for four different DnD classes. A Rogue for Sombra, a Bard for Lúcio, a Fighter for Genji, and a Barbarian 5e for Roadhog.
Based on Genji, “one of the most fun and diverse heroes in the game,” Nande created a “highly mobile Fighter 5e, themed around the study of dragons and taming the dragon within oneself.” For Sombre, he made an espionage based Rogue 5e, that can “study their opponents and gather intel outside of combat, while being just as effective when combat breaks out.”
Of the four characters used so far, it’s Lúcio that most naturally maps onto an existing DnD class, and Nande says “it was an interesting challenge to try and effectively turn what already is a Bard into a Bard 5e subclass.” He ended up with a subclass that focuses on boosting allies within 30 ft: “You have to either play in the middle of your party or use your wall ride to move around and help scattered party members.”
Nande is careful to always include each one of the Overwatch characters’ abilities in his custom DnD subclasses. He says his next design will be Reinhardt, which – we’re calling it here – is sure to be a 5e Paladin.