Have you heard of Lego Bionicle? While old fans may be disappointed to know that the Lego Bionicle series is not suddenly coming back in full, there was a new Bionicle created in 2023. In this article we’ll explain exactly what this new Bionicle is and if you can still get hold of it. We’ll also briefly dive into some of the recent history of the Bionicle franchise.
The new Lego set for Bionicle 2023 is a reimagining of one of the original Toa, which surely must rank among the best Lego sets of all time. It’s not the most complex or biggest Lego set ever made, but it is a neat homage that fans of Bionicle are bound to appreciate – despite its many differences from the original Bionicle toys.
Bionicle, the line of Lego action figures that carried the brick-based toy company during a turbulent time, ran from 2001 – 2010 before it was discontinued. Replaced by Hero Factory, that seemed to be curtains for the line, especially after a 2015 reboot bombed.
But it seems the Lego company still has a fondness for its organic robot super heroes. In January 2023, it revealed Tahu and Takua, a Lego set that reimagines these classic Bionicle characters, the lava-surfing leader of the Toa Matu and his Matoran buddy.
The pair were given away as a Gift With Purchase model in January 2023, between January 27 and February 9 to be specific. Within this narrow time frame, fans splashing out on some of the most expensive Lego sets, placing orders above the $100 / £90 mark, could bag themselves the new Bionicle kit for free.
Examining the set in more detail, the most noticeable thing is that it doesn’t use Technic style pieces. Whereas Bionicle was initially a subsidiary of the Technic line, this 2023 Bionicle homage is an entirely brick built figure. While it’s fully poseable with plenty of articulation, there are no gear driven moving parts. The mask too is – disappointingly – just a sticker.

On the other side of the coin, there’s plenty to like about the model. Takua attaches on the back of Tahu for piggyback rides. And it comes with an awesome stand featuring a rock surfboard surrounded by lava. It goes without saying that in the year 2023 any Bionicle is more than fans might expect.
According to Brickfanatics, this model is one of three options that were considered by the Lego company for a Bionicle homage build. There was also a more traditional Bionicle build of Takanuva, and a build containing mini versions of all six of the original Toa Matu.

Where to buy Bionicle in 2023
While you can’t get the Tahu and Takua model as a free extra anymore, just like the rest of the Bionicle line, there’s plenty of third party sellers trying to flip these bricks for a quick buck. Right now, the model seems to go for about $30 – 40 on eBay and there are over 100 listings.
You can also pick it up from Amazon for about $40.
Bionicle 2022
The Lego company also gave fans a taste of Bionicle in 2022 – in its anniversary 90 years of play set. One of the best new Lego sets, this 1,100 brick collection features a number of mini builds showcasing the history of Lego.
Everything from the 1932 wooden Lego duck to Ninjago is represented in the set, including Bionicle. It’s just a taste, so we wouldn’t recommend buying this set just for Bionicle, but there is a mini Tahu build in the set, with hilarious googly eyes.