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Age of Sigmar: here’s a roundup of the best Dominion paint schemes

As Dominion starts shipping, fans have shared some brilliant paint schemes of the new models

Age of Sigmar Dominion paint schemes Stormcast Eternal Annihilator

Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s third edition launch box finally dropped over the weekend, giving plenty of hungry fans their first opportunity to gets hands-on with the new Kruleboyz Orruks and the freshly beefed-up Stormcast Eternals. While Dominion might bring a whole new ruleset to the game, it’s the gorgeous new miniatures that have most fans excited, and some equally gorgeous paint jobs have begun popping up around the internet.

A lot of these test runs show players experimenting with new colour combinations for the Stormcast Eternals, and reaching outside of the standard gold plate that Games Workshops’ marketing material always presents them in. The Kruleboyz, too, might be another Greenskin faction, but many fans are testing different tones, particular on their face-imprinted shields.

In any case, there’s a bunch of variety, and some gorgeous paint schemes that you can  reference for your own minis. Some bring the grimdark grubbiness of Warhammer 40k to the fantasy world, while others are a little brighter. All look absolutely cracking, though.

Yndrasta the grim dark
byu/16armed inageofsigmar

Reddit user 16armed shared their grimdark version of Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear. All battered armour and faded wings, they said the tufts on the model’s base were homemade.

Tester mini for my dominion boxset
byu/Joe_12Q inageofsigmar

Reddit user Joe_12Q shared this Stormcast Eternal Vindictor that sports some gorgeous colour blending. In a comment, they said the colour scheme was chosen to reflect the bisexual pride flag.

First model from Dominion finished. Had to be the Annihilator Prime. New army, new Stormhost, The Hallowed Knights. Only the faithful!
byu/Ma99ots inageofsigmar

This Stormcast Annihilator from Reddit user Ma99ots isn’t only neat and tidy, but nicely matches bright white silver with the staple Stormcast gold.

Yngdrasta done exept the base
byu/Knoepert inageofsigmar

Another Yndrasta here, but this time with luscious red-tipped wings .

Test piece for kruelboyz
byu/fame_painting_lab inageofsigmar

For the Kruleboyz, this Gutrippa is holding a mighty fine yellow shield, with some choice drybrushing making it look as grubby as you’d hope.

Kruleboyz are my new favorite!
byu/MRMENSCHY392 inageofsigmar

Meanwhile, this model from MRMENSCHY392 went full 40k, with battered metal shield and bright red-green colour scheme.


As Dominion day and an England win coincided, I painted this handsome young patriot stumbling out of Weatherspoons.
by inageofsigmar

And in a slightly more tonge-in-cheeck paint job, Reddit user Upstanding_chap shared this footy-inspired Kruleboy, styled to celebrate England’s recent win at the Euros.

Emphasising the Krule in Kruelboyz, this pair from Reddit user Tubblington are dark and gloomy, swapping the bright shields for dingy metalics.

If you’re still on the fence about grabbing the new box, read our Dominion review. We praised its superb fantasy miniatures, but thought it best catered to experienced Warhammer hobbyists looking to hop into the Mortal Realms, rather than complete beginners.

And if you are stepping into those realms for the first time, check our Age of Sigmar armies guide, for a comprehensive lowdown on the games’ many, many factions.