On May 30, BKOM Studios launched the Kickstarter for its upcoming Pathfinder videogame, Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults. It seeks to raise $300,641 (£243,128) for the project, a hack and slash dungeon crawler, where players can play as one of four Pathfinder classes: Barbarian, Ranger, Wizard, or Cleric, and deliver the hurt to hordes of nasty creatures.
The PC game, expected to arrive on Steam by July 2025, follows the story of Pathfinder’s Abomination Vaults adventure path, and sees one to four players work together to plunge into the depths of Gauntlight Keep and defeat sorceress Belcorra Haruvex.
Gameplay-wise, Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults clearly sings from Diablo’s hymn sheet, and fans of the button (and monster) mashing RPG series are likely the target audience here. However, the game focuses more heavily on cooperating with your allies in online mode, as it boasts a combo system whereby players can augment one another’s abilities to produce cooler, more powerful effects.
Developer of the project, BKOM Studios seems to primarily be a mobile games studio, but has also worked on the UI for Age of Empires IV and created the stylish Sunday Gold. It’s even made a tabletop RPG adaptation before, but its Tomb of Annihilation turn-based game seems to have met with a rocky reception, based on the mixed Steam reviews.
Support looks strong for this particular title, though, with $140,000 raised after just one day of crowdfunding. You can find the campaign here.
Did you know Pathfinder recently dropped the Drow? It’s all part of its move to depart from Dungeons and Dragons and the DnD OGL. The two games are similar, but there are some key differences: here’s an explanation of Pathfinder vs DnD.