When life gives you lemons, make lemonade: when life gives you conkers, make a Warlord Titan. After spotting Wargamer’s article about a Space Marine dreadnought made from chestnuts, acorns, and cocktail sticks, hobbyist Morose.Miniatures decided to build a Warlord Titan from the same materials.
Warhammer Titans are the largest land war machines in the Warhammer 40k universe, as tall as buildings, armed with city-killing weapons, and worshipped as walking avatars of the machine god by the Adeptus Mechanicus. You’ll see some stomping around in the amazing cinematic trailer for the second edition of Warhammer The Horus Heresy:

Recreating one from four conkers, two chestnuts, nine acorns, and a few pieces of acorn cup and conker shell may be techno-blasphemy, but it speaks to the strength of the Titan’s silhouette that Morose’s scratch build can easily be identified.
After seeing the chestnut dreadnought Wargamer posted last Thursday, Morose.Miniatures collected the conkers, chestnuts, and acorns to make the miniature while “in the woods with my kids”. He and his six year old daughter spent “about two hours” building the model. “I love making things with my daughter”, Morose says. He explains that she’s a keen hobbyist already: “she made her first kitbash a few years ago”, he says, adding “she asked me to buy her first mini a year ago, I was so proud!” We’ve included pictures of her work, below:
Morose.Miniatures is no stranger to using obscure materials to build models. He’s the creator of the Paint Pot Challenge, a competition to create models and dioramas from miniature paint pots. That started after his creation ‘The Nuln Knight’, a walking Citadel paint pot, made a splash in the online mini-painting community. For 2023 he created a set of Nintendo-themed paint pot miniatures, including Mario, Luigi, and Link.
This isn’t the first time we’ve covered Morose’s work: check out this article on a gnarly fungus-infected Space Marine inspired by the sci-fi horror movie Annihilation, or read up on the winners of the 2023 Paint Pot Challenge competition.
If you’d like a game system that a war-machine made from nuts and acorns would fit right in, we recommend The Doomed: check out our The Doomed review to learn more.