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Warhammer Quest: Cursed City is finally back, with expansion

Cancelled Age of Sigmar campaign board game Cursed City returns in full this week with the Nightwars expansion, 17 months after GW first axed it

Warhammer Quest Cursed City expansion Nightwars relaunch - author photo showing the Cursed City box and contents

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City – Age of Sigmar’s lavish, but ill-fated campaign board game – finally returns in full for online pre-order on Saturday, October 1, along with its first expansion pack: Nightwars. Games Workshop announced its full-fledged return to shelves in a Warhammer Community article on Sunday, nearly 17 months after the game was suddenly cancelled in April 2021.

GW had first announced Cursed City’s return in December 2021, and it went back up for sale on a ‘made to order’ basis in March 2022 – but next week will be the first time the vampire-hunting narrative board game goes back into full-blown retail.

Assuming the current prices don’t change, it’ll cost you $250 / £125 from GW, or around $190 / £100 from third-party stores.

Warhammer Quest Cursed City expansion Nightwars relaunch - Games Workshop photo showing the box and contents for the Cursed City Nightwars expansion

Alongside the main game comes its long-awaited first expansion, Nightwars, which adds three new types of Journey (the different missions your characters take on in the game), plus a bunch of associated tokens and cards.

It also finally brings in lore backing for Soulblight Vampires characters Radukar the Beast, Fell Bats, Vampire Lord, Lady Annika the Thirsting Blade, and Kritza the Rat Prince – all of whom had their miniatures separately released in 2021. We don’t yet know how much Nightwars will cost – but it’s worth noting those miniatures are not included in the expansion; you have to pick them up separately.

We’ve also had no details of further expansions as yet. But if Cursed City follows the pattern of Warhammer 40k: Blackstone Fortress (as GW indicated it would in the runup to its original 2021 launch), we’ll expect to see more content added to the game in coming months.

Warhammer Quest Cursed City expansion Nightwars relaunch - Games Workshop photo showing the box and contents from Cursed City board game

You can dive deeper into Cursed City’s undead-riddled setting of Ulfenkarn with our original Cursed City review, or learn about its problematic release.