Did you know that every nation in Hearts of Iron 4 is assigned a HOI4 country tag? Many of the game’s console command ‘cheats’ require you to enter a three-letter country tag to specify where you want to foment that revolution, or trigger that civil war. To save you memorising them all, this HOI4 country tags guide includes every national ID in the game – from Belgium to Australia, Russia to Paraguay, Mongolia to Mexico.
If you’re not quite sure how to use these country tags, read our HOI4 console commands guide, then come back here. Or take your alt history sandbox in new directions with our guides to HOI4 DLC packs, the best HOI4 mods, and nearly impossible HOI4 achievements. For a massive database of codes, cheats and commands across your favourite games, check our sister site CodesDb for the latest game codes.
For now, though, here’s the list! Each tag is a three-letter abbreviation of its representing state, so browse to find whichever country you’re after, or maybe become inspired for the location of your next territorial conquest.
HOI4 country tags
Country | Tag |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Albania | ALB |
Angola | ANG |
Argentina | ARG |
Australia | AST |
Austria | AUS |
Belgium | BEL |
Bhutan | BHU |
Bolivia | BOL |
Brazil | BRA |
British Malaya | MAL |
British Raj | RAJ |
Bulgaria | BUL |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHI |
Colombia | COL |
Communist China | PRC |
Costa Rica | COS |
Cuba | CUB |
Czechoslovakia | CZE |
Denmark | DEN |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
Dominion of Canada | CAN |
Dutch East Indies | INS |
Ecuador | ECU |
El Salvador | ELS |
Estonia | EST |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Finland | FIN |
France | FRA |
German Republic | GER |
Greece | GRE |
Guangxi Clique | GXC |
Guatemala | GUA |
Haiti | HAI |
Honduras | HON |
Iceland | ICE |
Iran | PER |
Iraq | IRQ |
Ireland | IRE |
Italy | ITA |
Japan | JAP |
Kingdom of Hungary | HUN |
Kingdom of Romania | ROM |
Latvia | LAT |
Liberia | LIB |
Lithuania | LIT |
Luxembourg | LUX |
Manchukuo | MAN |
Mengkukuo | MEN |
Mexico | MEX |
Mongolia | MON |
Nepal | NEP |
Netherlands | HOL |
New Zealand | NZL |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Norway | NOR |
Oman | OMA |
Panama | PAN |
Paraguay | PAR |
Peru | PRU |
Philippines | PHI |
Poland | POL |
Portugal | POR |
Saudi Arabia | SAU |
Shanxi | SHX |
Siam | SIA |
Sinkiang | SIK |
South Africa | SAF |
Soviet Union | SOV |
Spain (Republican) | SPR |
Spain (Nationalist) | D01 |
Sweden | SWE |
Switzerland | SWI |
Tannu Tuva | TAN |
Tibet | TIB |
Turkey | TUR |
United Kingdom | ENG |
United States | USA |
Uruguay | URG |
Venezuela | VEN |
Xibei San Ma | XSM |
Yemen | YEM |
Yugoslavia | YUG |
Yunnan | YUN |
HOI4 releasable country tags
Country | Tag |
Algeria | ALG |
Angola | ANG |
Azerbaijan | AZR |
Bahamas | BAH |
Bangladesh | BAN |
Belize | BLZ |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | BOS |
Botswana | BOT |
Burma | BRM |
Burundi | BRD |
Cameroon | CMR |
Central Africa | CAR |
Chad | CHA |
Confederacy of American States | CSA |
Congo-Brazzaville | RCG |
Côte d’Ivoire | IVO |
Croatia | CRO |
Dahomey | DAH |
Djibouti | DJI |
East Germany | DDR |
Equatorial Guinea | EQG |
Eritrea | ERI |
Gabon | GAB |
Gambia | GAM |
Ghana | GHA |
Guinea | GNA |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB |
Guyana | GYA |
Israel | ISR |
Jamaica | JAM |
Kazakhstan | KAZ |
Kenya | KEN |
Kingdom of Egypt | EGY |
Kingdom of Jordan | JOR |
Kingdom of Libya | LBA |
Kingdom of Morocco | MOR |
Korea | KOR |
Kuwait | KUW |
Kyrgyzstan | KYR |
Lebanon | LEB |
Malawi | MLW |
Maldives | MLD |
Mali | MLI |
Malta | MLT |
Mauritania | MRT |
Melanesian Federation | FIJ |
Moldova | MOL |
Mozambique | MZB |
Namibia | NMB |
Netherlands Antilles | CRC |
Niger | NGR |
Nigeria | NGA |
Northern Ireland | NIR |
Pakistan | PAK |
Palestine | PAL |
Papua New Guinea | PNG |
Puerto Rico | PUE |
Republic of Armenia | ARM |
Republic of Belarus | BLR |
Republic of Cambodia | CAM |
Republic of Cayenne | CAY |
Republic of Cyprus | CYP |
Republic of Georgia | GEO |
Republic of Guadeloupe | GDL |
Republic of Laos | LAO |
Republic of Macedonia | MAC |
Republic of Madagascar | MAD |
Republic of Montenegro | MNT |
Republic of Qatar | QAT |
Republic of Slovenia | SLV |
Republic of Suriname | SUR |
Republic of Tajikistan | TAJ |
Republic of The British Antilles | BAS |
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago | TRI |
Republic of Turkmenistan | TMS |
Republic of Ukraine | UKR |
Republic of Uzbekistan | UZB |
Republic of Vietnam | VIN |
Rwanda | RWA |
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic | WES |
Scotland | SCO |
Senegal | SEN |
Serbia | SER |
Sierra Leone | SIE |
Slovakia | SLO |
Somali Sultanate | SOM |
Sudan | SUD |
Sri Lanka | SRL |
Syria | SYR |
Tanzania | TZN |
Togo | TOG |
Tunisia | TUN |
Uganda | UGA |
Unaligned States of America | USB |
United Arab Emirates | UAE |
Upper Volta | VOL |
Wales | WLS |
West Germany | WGR |
Zaire | COG |
Zambia | ZAM |
Zimbabwe | ZIM |
HOI4 console commands
Here’s a pick of the best HOI4 console commands to use with the country tags above. For the full gamut of commands, read our complete HOI4 cheats guide.
- tag [country tag] – Change the country you’re playing as
- annex [country tag] – Begin annexing the target country
- setowner [country tag] – Give ownership of a state to a specified country. Select the state with your cursor before entering the code
- White (wp) [country tags] – Impose a White Peace between two specified countries
- add_opinion [country tag] – Increase the specified country’s opinion of you by 100
- civilwar [ideology] [target country tag] – Create a civil war in the target country instigated by one of four ideologies: ‘communism’, ‘fascism’, ‘democratic,’ or ‘neutral’
- event [event ID] [country tag] – Executes an event in the target country.