Magic: The Gathering publisher Wizards of the Coast confirmed the return of the meld keyword in a Weekly MTG livestream on September 30. Three meld cards have been revealed so far for the upcoming set, The Brothers’ War – Legendary Artifact The Mightstone and Weakstone and Legendary Human Artificer Urza, Lord Protector. Once you control both cards, they ‘meld’, flipping over and combining to become a third card – the oversized Urza, Planeswalker.
This is now a single planeswalker card with a whopping five loyalty abilities to make the most of all that extra card space. Considering the keyword was originally inspired by an ‘Un’ set, you might expect to see this kind of combo in Unfinity rather than The Brothers’ War.
As one of the titular brothers in The Brothers’ War, Urza has a big role to play in the next set. His rival and brother Mishra also gets a melded card, but we’ll have to wait until October 4 to catch a glimpse of the mega Mishra.
“The Urza and Mishra of this set had to be epic”, says MTG senior communications manager (and weekly MTG stream host) Blake Rasmussen. “They are characters that loom large above all of Magic’s history.” The brothers are both ‘oldwalkers’, which means they were both planeswalkers of astronomical power pre- The Mending. It makes sense, then, to give them meld abilities – nothing says massive power like a massive card.
Several other spoilers for the upcoming set were revealed in the MTG stream. You can catch the full stream above, or you can check out a speedy summary in our Brothers’ War release date guide.
The Brothers’ War is the last Magic set coming out in 2022 – so why not look ahead with our 2023 release schedule guide? We also have a guide to the best planeswalkers – which may well change with the new, supermassive cards on the way.