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All Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon in order

Every single Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon released so far for the Pokémon TCG and videogames, from Articuno to Terapagos.

Pokemon TCG Legendary Pokemon Mew

Legendary Pokémon are some of the coolest pocket monsters in the entire Pokémon franchise. They have the most elaborate designs, the best videogame stats, and some of the mightiest Pokémon cards. While Mythicals and Legendaries were once few in number, each new game has added more – so we’ve collected this handy list of every single legendary Pokémon you can catch or collect.

If you’d like to know how many legendary Pokémon there are, this guide can tell you – but our full ‘How many Pokémon are there?’ guide covers Pokémon of all kinds. If you like rare and powerful things you might also be interested in our guides to the most expensive and rare Pokémon cards and the best Pokémon cards. For now though, let’s meet the legends.

Pokemon TCG Legendary Pokemon Lugia

Generation 1 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Articuno #144 Ice/Flying
Zapdos #145 Electric/Flying
Moltres #146 Fire/Flying
Mewtwo #150 Psychic

In Pokémon Red and Blue, Mewtwo was an end-game secret. It appears in the high-level Cerulean Cave, which can only be accessed after beating the Elite Four and winning the Pokémon league.

Who is stronger, Mew or Mewtwo?

When Mew and Mewtwo face off in Pokémon: The First Movie, the fight ends inconclusively, as all the Pokémon are horrified by the (temporary) death of Ash Ketchum and stop battling.

In the Pokémon games, the answer is simple – Mewtwo wipes the floor with Mew, thanks to its much more powerful stats. Mew, like many Mythical Pokémon, has 100 in every base stat. With 130 Speed and 154 Special Attack, Mewtwo gets to act first and deals way more damage.

Generation 1 Mythical Pokémon

 Name Image Pokédex # Type
Mew #151 Psychic

Mew was never intended to be a publicly available Pokémon. Developer Shigeki Morimoto added Mew to the code as an Easter egg just for his colleagues at Game Freak, using space on the cartridge that was freed up after debug tools were removed. Some players discovered Mew via glitches, starting rumors of a secret Pokémon that were hard for fans to verify or disprove in the early days of the internet.

The first time players could legitimately catch Mew was in Spring 1996, when Game Freak ran a promotion in manga magazine CoroCoro Comic, offering a few lucky winners the chance to mail in their game cartridge to have Mew added to their Pokédex.

How rare is Mew?

In the world of Pokémon, there is only one Mew. According to the events of Pokémon: The First Movie, Mew is an ancient species of Pokémon long thought extinct.

Mew is generally only available during special events. For example, in September 2023 it was possible to use a Mystery Gift and a code to unlock Mew in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – but that code has since expired. However, it is available in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl if you have save data from Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Let’s Go: Evee! on your Switch.

Generation 2 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Raikou #243 Electric
Entei #244 Fire
Suicune #245 Water
Lugia #249 Psychic/Flying
Ho-Oh #250 Fire/Flying

Ho-Oh was the 152nd Pokémon ever revealed, and the first sign that The Pokémon Company planned to expand beyond the original 151.

Not only was Ho-Oh teased in the CoroCoro magazine, but it also made an appearance in the very first episode of the Pokémon anime. Protagonist Ash Ketchum spots a Ho-Oh, but his Pokédex is unable to identify it.

Generation 2 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Celebi #251 Psychic/Grass

Generation 3 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Regirock #377 Rock
Regice #378 Ice
Registeel #379 Steel
Latias #380 Dragon/Psychic
Latios #381 Dragon/Psychic
Kyogre #382 Water
Groudon #383 Ground
Rayquaza #384 Dragon/Flying

Rayquaza has the highest base Attack, Special Attack, and the highest total of all base stats, of any Dragon-type or Flying-type Pokémon – but it has sometimes been very easy to catch.

In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Rayquaza was needed to progress the Delta Episode side plot. The developers changed its catch rate from 3 to 45 (higher means easier, so this was a huge change) to ensure players would be able to snatch up the big green noodle. This was reverted in Scarlet and Violet when the mighty dragon reappeared in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.

Generation 3 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Jirachi #385 Steel/Psychic
Deoxys #386 Psychic

Generation 4 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Uxie #480 Psychic
Mesprit #481 Psychic
Azelf #482 Psychic
Dialga #483 Steel/Dragon
Palkia #484 Water/Dragon
Heatran #485 Fire/Steel
Regigigas #486 Normal
Giratina #487 Ghost/Dragon
Cresselia #488 Psychic

The Legendary Pokémon that appeared in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl really push the power level for the franchise. Dialga has the ability to control time, Palkia can warp space, and together they are capable of creating new universes.

Meanwhile, Giratina can rip holes in reality and lurks in the Distortion dimension. Many fans think of him as Pokémon’s equivalent of the devil.

Generation 4 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Phione #489 Water
Manaphy #490 Water
Darkrai #491 Dark
Shaymin #492 Grass
Arceus #493 Normal

Arceus is perhaps the most powerful Mythical Pokémon: it’s worshipped as a deity by some humans, who may actually be right – it could be the creator of the Pokémon universe.

Manaphy is an unusual Mythical Pokémon, not just because it’s inspired by the colorful slugs known as sea angels, but also because it’s capable of breeding. Because its gender is unknown, Manaphy can only breed with Ditto. When this happens, it produces a Phione!

Generation 5 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Cobalion #638 Steel/Fighting
Terrakion #639 Rock/Fighting
Virizion #640 Grass/Fighting
Tornadus #641 Flying
Thundurus #642 Electric/Flying
Reshiram #643 Dragon/Fire
Zekrom #644 Dragon/Electric
Landorus #645 Ground/Flying
Kyurem #646 Dragon/Ice

Known as the ‘Swords of Justice’, the three Fighting type legendaries Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion are inspired by the Three Musketeers. Which makes it a bit strange that they appeared just one Generation before the France-inspired region.

Generation 5 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Victini #494 Psychic/Fire
Keldeo #647 Water/Fighting
Meloetta #648 Normal/Psychic or Normal/Fighting
Genesect #649 Bug/Steel

Victini has a unique gimmick, being the very first Pokémon to appear in the Unovan Pokedex, with National Dex Number #000. There’s some in-game dialogue about that number letting it ‘bring victory’ to the holder of the dex, but it’s not very convincing: what’s more likely is the designers just wanted to mark it as special.

Generation 6 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Xerneas #716 Fairy
Yveltal #717 Dark/Flying
Zygarde #718 Dragon/Ground

Generation 6 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Diancie #719 Rock/Fairy
Hoopa #720 Psychic/Ghost
Volcanion #721 Fire/Water

Generation 7 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Tapu Koko #785 Electric/Fairy
Tapu Lele #786 Psychic/Fairy
Tapu Bulu #787 Grass/Fairy
Tapu Fini #788 Water/Fairy
Cosmog #789 Psychic
Cosmoem #790 Psychic
Solgaleo #791 Psychic/Steel
Lunala #792 Psychic/Ghost

Generation 7 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Magearna #801 Steel/Fairy
Marshadow #802 Fighting/Ghost
Zeraora #807 Electric
Meltan #808 Steel
Melmetal #809 Steel

Generation 8 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Zacian #888 Fairy
Zamazenta #889 Fighting
Eternatus #890 Poison/Dragon
Kubfu #891 Fighting
Urshifu #892 Fighting/Dark or Fighting/Water
Regieleki #894 Electric
Regidrago #895 Dragon
Glastrier #896 Ice
Spectrier #897 Ghost
Calyrex #898 Psychic/Grass
Enamorus #899 Fairy/Flying

Generation 8 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Zarude #893 Dark/Grass

Zarude was added to Pokémon Sword and Shield in the Isle of Armor DLC.

Generation 9 Legendary Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Wo-Chien #1001 Dark/Grass
Chien-Pao #1002 Dark/Ice
Ting-Lu #1003 Dark/Ground
Chi-Yu #1004 Dark/Fire
Koraidon #1007 Fighting/Dragon
Miraidon #1008 Electric/Dragon
Okidogi All legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon guide - Pokemon Company image showing the legendary Pokemon Okidogi #1014 Poison/Fighting
Munkidori All legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon guide - Pokemon Company image showing the legendary Pokemon Munkidori #1015 Poison/Psychic
Fezandipiti All legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon guide - Pokemon Company image showing the legendary Pokemon Fezandipiti #1016 Poison/Fairy
Ogerpon All legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon guide - Pokemon Company image showing the legendary Pokemon Ogerpon #1017 Grass
Terapagos All legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon guide - Pokemon Company image showing the legendary Pokemon Terapagos #1024 Normal

The core Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games added six new legendaries: Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, Chi-Yu, Koraidon, and Miraidon.

The mask-wearing Ogerpon and its opposing numbers Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti – the so-called Loyal Three – were added later in September 2023’s Teal Mask DLC, forming the main storyline of that expansion’s Kitakami region.

The most recent legendary Pokémon to join the series, Terapagos, was added in the December 2023 Indigo Disk DLC. It’s the first known Pokémon to exhibit the ‘Terastal phenomenon’, which causes Pokémon to take on various new, jewel-like forms which alter their usual Pokémon types. These Terastal forms play a major part in the Pokémon TCG Stellar Crown set.

Generation 9 Mythical Pokémon

Name Image Pokédex # Type
Pecharunt The legendary Pokemon Pecharunt, a floating turnip with two spiked orbs that might be wings #1025 Poison/Ghost

Pecharunt was added to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Epilogue: Mochi Mayhem DLC.

How many Legendary Pokémon are there in total?

There are currently 68 Legendary Pokémon and 23 Mythical Pokémon. 

What’s the difference between Legendary and Mythical Pokémon?

Legendary Pokémon are incredibly rare, but Mythical Pokémon are so rare that people in the Pokémon world doubt their very existence. In gameplay terms, Mythicals were once only available to catch during exclusive events. However, some of them have appeared in mainline games, like the recent Generation-nine Pecharunt, which is available in DLC. Others are added to mainline games on the Switch if it contains a save file for another Pokémon game.

What is the rarest Legendary Pokémon?

In the world of Pokémon, all the Legendary Pokémon are equally rare: there’s just one of each of them. The Mythical Pokémon aren’t rarer, they’re just much less widely known about.

In our world, the rarest Legendary Pokémon is most likely Diancie. The last time you could get a Diancie was at a 2016 South Korean real-world event, as a gift for Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire.

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