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15 cutest Pokémon of all time

Who doesn’t like cute Pokémon? To scratch your ‘aww’ itch, we identify the cutest Pokémon ever from over 1,000 adorable pocket monsters.

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon anime screenshot showing Pop Star Pikachu in a skirt with love hearts

What is the cutest Pokémon? This question has stumped scholars for millennia. Okay, that’s not true, but it has been the subject of heated debate ever since the first Pokémon card made its way onto the primordial playgrounds of the mid-90s. There are as many ‘cutest Pokémon’ as there are ways to measure cuteness, so we’re going to embrace that diversity – and rank our favorite cute Pokémon, each one shining in their own category of adorability.

If you like collecting cards as much as you like cute things, here are the best Pokémon packs to buy once you’ve browsed this list. Or, if you’re a little more hardcore, here are the priciest rare Pokémon cards from across history’s Pokémon sets.

The cutest Pokémon are:

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon anime screenshot showing Purrloin

15. Purrloin

Purrloin is the ultimate cat. Its Pokédex entries assert that, despite this chaos-monger’s common knowledge record of causing trouble on purpose, their owners “can’t help but forgive them” – its deception is too perfect, its doe eyes too practiced.

Your cat is cute, but would you forgive it for smashing a priceless vase just to see the look on your face? It takes a lot to make stealing my financial information cute, but Purrloin manages it, so it’s well earned its place on our list of cuteness.

Pokemon TCG art of Sandshrew, one of the cutest Pokemon

14. Sandshrew

Sandshrew is a desert-dweller with a tough exterior and a soft white belly that we’d love to scritch. Its pudgy paws give off a friendly aura, even if they do have sharp claws on the end. Luckily, Sandshrew is more likely to use these on passing bug Pokémon than people.

Perhaps the most appealing thing about Sandshrew is its unique ability to roll into a ball – it can even bounce if it falls from a great height. This is a great protective measure, but it’s also great for making us say “aww!”.

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon videogame screenshot showing Greavard

13. Greavard

Introduced in Scarlet and Violet, Greavard just wants to play, loves people, and – oh yeah – it may or may not slowly drain the life force out of you by accident. While unfortunate for the recipients of its affection, that sort of dimwitted bumbling ghostliness only serves to make it more endearing.

A Greavard will follow a person forever if paid attention to, fulfilling a lifelong dream of getting to be a good dog and walking right into our hearts as the cutest new addition to the Pokémon roster. Who’s a good dog? Who’s a little buddy? Oh, I feel woozy…

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon anime screenshot showing a character surrounded by Cutiefly

12. Cutiefly

C’mon, Cutiefly is a Pokémon with ‘cutie’ in its name. This one’s kind of a home run.

While Cutiefly is indeed a little guy and just a lad on its appearances alone, fewer are aware of its ability to see the emotional auras of others, often confusing auras with the flowers they collect nectar and pollen from. Cutiefly will buzz above the heads of those experiencing strong emotions, like young lovers – aw!

Pokemon animation still of Piplup, one of the cutest Pokemon

11. Piplup

Baby penguins are the best. That’s a fact in real life and in Pokémon games. Piplup is a round, bright blue little guy who’s known for falling over in ways that’ll get even the crabbiest person cooing. Piplup is also known for being stubborn and independent, so they’re not easy to bond with. However, if you work hard to earn the love of a Piplup, we’re sure the cuddles are well worth it.

Pokemon animated art of Sprigatito, one of the cutest Pokemon, making biscuits on a bed

10. Sprigatito

Big ears and tiny paws? Check. Loves hugs and attention? Check. Cuteness-aggression-inducing face? Check, check, and check. Sprigatito, the grass Pokémon who can release soothing scents from its perfectly round paws, is a must-catch for any cat lovers. Just imagine it doing all those darling kitten things – playing with balls of yarn, making biscuits, and presumably knocking things off tables.

Pokemon animation still of Phanpy and Pikachu, two of the cutest Pokemon, hugging

9. Phanpy

Phanpy is a tiny, elephant-like Pokémon that has cuteness baked into its every movement. It flaps its oversized ears to keep cool, and it’s often seen playfully swinging its stumpy trunk around and splashing about joyfully in water.

One Pokédex entry says that it bumps people it likes with its snout to show affection. However, Phanpy can get a bit carried away – and its trunk is strong enough to fling a grown human across the room. We love Phanpy, but sometimes it might be safer to love them from a distance.

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon anime screenshot showing Pop Star Pikachu in a skirt with love hearts

8. Pop Star Pikachu

Taking a rest from species-wide highlights, this one is an individual Pokémon who stands out among the crowd. While Pikachu itself is an obvious choice among the cute ‘mons, Pop Star Pikachu is the cutest – look at her little outfit! She even matches the femme trainer’s contest outfit! What a star.

Introduced for Contests in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, this Pikachu packs a pretty punch in the in-game cuteness royales. She’s guaranteed a roaring applause in the appeal section for her effort costuming, making her appeal not only useful, but downright canonical. Her returning appearances in other games like Pokémon GO only reinforce that in the arena of cutest Pokémon, she’s here to stay.

Pokemon animation still of a group of baby Mudkips, one of the cutest Pokemon

7. Mudkip

In the Pokémon universe, a Mudkip is known for its speediness in water and its surprising strength. However, we think they’re far more famous for their gormless facial expressions – and the silly smiley face they make when they open their mouths. It’s impossible not to smile when you spot a Mudkip.

Pokemon animation still of Joltik, one of the cutest Pokemon, surrounded by sparks and looking annoyed

6. Joltik

It’s tough to make spiders look appealing, but Pokémon has somehow managed it. A round, fluffy body and giant googly eyes make Joltik look incredibly huggable. Things that usually horrify us on normal spiders – extra eyes, moving mandibles – look positively twee on Joltik. Anyone who’s prepared to squish one of these is a straight-up monster.

Pokemon animation still of Togepi, one of the cutest Pokemon

5. Togepi

We’re simple people when it comes to cute Pokémon. Is it round? Is it baby? That’s a cutie, alright. Case in point: the very round, very baby-faced Togepi. The little face that pokes out from behind its own eggshell is irresistible. Everyone wants a Togepi around – especially as they’re known to bestow good luck and joyful emotions on people that they like.

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon anime screenshot showing Alolan Vulpix

4. Alolan Vulpix

While the original Vulpix was a strong contender for cutest of the OG 151, Gen 7 Pokémon Alolan Vulpix dropped in 2016, and blew it out of the water. Everything cute about the original design has been amplified. Its head is bigger, its eyes softer and more soulful, its fur rounder and fluffier.

As a species, it moved to the mountains some time ago to get some peace and quiet from what I can only presume is its adoring fan club. So on top of everything else, it also has that “friend’s introvert cat” appeal where, if it likes you, you get to feel special. Marvelous.

Pokemon animation still of Yamper, one of the cutest Pokemon

3. Yamper

We’re weak for any Pokémon that resembles a dog, but Yamper is an especially cute case. It’s pleasingly round, and it even has a heart-shaped patch of fur on its butt. Thanks to a perpetually lolling tongue and bright, shiny eyes, this ‘mon is the perfect mix of goofy and sweet.

Yamper’s cute factor is also helped by its personality. They’re excitable little scamps, able to speedily chase cars and herd sheep-like Pokémon despite their stubby little legs. Plus, according to one Pokédex “this gluttonous Pokémon only assists people with their work because it wants treats”. A certified good boy after our own hearts.

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon anime screenshot showing Mew

2. Mew

Mew is a mythical Pokémon and brings with it its own formidable arsenal of endearing traits. Designed after the theme of a baby and a kitten, Mew boasts both a soft, pink exterior with wide and innocent blue eyes, and a playful, naive disposition. Could you look that cute while locked in a battle of the fates with your genetically engineered clone? I don’t think so.

This is just the beginning, though. Getting more technical, Mew can learn every move available by Technical Machine (TM), giving it unparalleled access to moves like Charm, Disarming Voice, Rest… And, even more importantly, its naturally-learned Transform allows it to ape the appearance of every other Pokémon on this list! Talk about legendary cuteness.

Cutest Pokémon guide - Pokémon Let's Go Eevee screenshot showing Eevee wearing adorable glasses and bowtie

1. Eevee

Eevee is a long-runner. While it doesn’t always get number one, it’s so frequently in the top three in fan polls and ratings for cute Pokémon characters that we’re going to hand this one to the adaptable fox…dog…thing that’s been around since the very beginning, charming our hearts. If one were to count all of its evolutions, Eevee and the Eeveelutions would easily crush the competition. Cutely. We’d coo for them.

If you’ve made it to the end of this shameless swim through a river of effervescent Pokéfandom, chances are you’d enjoy learning how to play Pokémon cards. We can also help you keep up with the times with our guide to the newest Pokémon set.