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The 10 best DnD dragons in 2025, and how they play

We explain the coolest dragon types in Dungeons and Dragons 5e and how to run them in-game, from classic Red Dragons to the evil Tiamat.

Best DnD dragons guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a White Dragon freezing adventurers with an Ice Breath attack, overlaid with the Dungeons and Dragons logo

The clue’s in the name: DnD dragons are a fundamental part of Dungeons and Dragons, and their traditional combination of extreme power, classic fantasy gravitas, and good, old fashioned cool factor keeps them top of the (gold) pile when picking a campaign’s final boss. With a brand new revised version of the game around the corner, here are our ten favorite dragons to play with in 2025 (in or out of dungeons).

We won’t have all the brand new DnD dragon rules until the new Monster Manual release date in February 2025 – and we’ll have to wait even longer into the 2025 DnD release schedule to get eyes on the upcoming Dragon Anthology.

So (for now) all the mechanical details here come from the 5th edition DnD books: the 5e Monster Manual and Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons. Most of our reasons for picking these have more to do with lore than stats, however – so we don’t anticipate DnD 2024 stat changes dethroning these delightful drakes anytime soon!

The best DnD Dragons are:

  1. Dragonborn – playable dragon-people.
  2. Dracolich – dastardly magical undead dragons.
  3. Dragon Turtle – island-sized mega sea-dragons.
  4. Red Dragon – fire-breathing O.G. DnD baddie.
  5. Blue Dragon – lightning-wielding tricksters.
  6. White Dragon – ice-breathing master hunters.
  7. Copper Dragon – wise-cracking acid dragons.
  8. Gold Dragon – wandering, shape-shifting benefactors.
  9. Tiamat, the Dragon Queen – evil 5-headed dragon goddess.
  10. Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon – Tiamat’s good brother.

DnD Dragons Tiamat Dragonborn Illustration

1. Dragonborn

  • Summary: Humanoid playable characters descended from dragons.
  • Challenge Rating: not applicable

When talking about the best dragons in D&D, we had to mention the fact that you can literally play as a dragon. One of the core DnD races in 5e (called Species in the new rules), Dragonborns are tall, humanoid creatures that display many of the physical features of a dragon – some even have wings or a tail.

A Dragonborn’s lineage can alter its overall colour. A gem Dragonborn might have sapphire or topaz glinting in its scales, while a chromatic Dragonborn can be a deep shade of black, green, and so on.

Dragon’s blood runs through the veins of the Dragonborn D&D race, and their Breath Weapon means they can spout flames, acid or even lightning thanks to their draconic heritage. Proud and independent, their Charisma and Strength boosts mean that Dragonborns make powerful Paladins, Warlocks or Barbarians.

Dragonborns first graced the pages of D&D in 2006’s Races of the Dragon, but they’ve since appeared in the 2014 Player’s Handbook, Critical Role’s 2020 book Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, and 2021 dragon bestiary Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons.

dnd dragons dracolich illustration

2. Dracolich

  • Summary: Manipulative, magic-wielding undead dragons.
  • Challenge Rating: 17

First seen in a 1979 adventure module called White Plume Mountain, the fearsome Dracolich is a decaying, skeletal shell of its former physical self, transformed by powerful necromancy – though certainly no less powerful in death than it was beforehand. Only the most selfish and devious of dragons choose this path, as life after death severs all ties to dragon-kind.

Like all liches, a Dracolich can store its lifeforce in a phylactery. This means that the Dracolich can possess a fresh dragon corpse and rise again should its physical body be destroyed on the same physical plane as the phylactery.

A Dracolich is able to assail adventurers with bites, wing attacks, tail attacks, and (usually) powerful DnD spells – as well as the deadly breath powers it had in life. With a challenge rating of 17, a Dracolich can be a challenging foe, even for high-level parties.

dnd dragons dragon turtle illustration

3. Dragon Turtle

  • Summary: Enormous, island-sized sea dragons that love loot.
  • Challenge Rating: 17

First encountered in D&D Volume 2: Monster’s and Treasure (1974), the gargantuan Dragon Turtle shares its love of treasure with its cousins above the land. Its perfectly camouflaged shell looks just like light dancing on sea-green waves, so it can ambush ships with surprising stealth despite its size. After using its scalding steam breath, claws, and powerful jaws to bring down a ship, a dragon turtle swallows sinking valuables and transports them to its lair beneath the waves.

A dragon turtle has a challenge rating of 17, and a whopping 341 hit points make it a real test of might for adventurers. The silver-tongued in your party may be able to escape the dragon turtle another way, though – it may exchange safe passage for a particularly valuable DnD magic item or other such bauble.

dnd dragons red dragon illustration

4. Red Dragon

  • Summary: The iconic DnD baddie – greedy, tyrannical, and aggressive.
  • Challenge Rating: 4-24

While many associate the colour green with greed, it’s the O.G. Red Dragon – first seen in the original 1974 edition of Dungeons and Dragons – who wears the treasure-hoarding crown in the Forgotten Realms.

If a party sees smoke billowing from a mountain top, a scarlet-scaled chromatic dragon may be defending its treasure trove at the peak. Red is certainly the colour of rage, and a red dragon will burn armies to a crisp on the slightest impulse.

Wyrmling red dragons have a challenge rating of four, making them a reasonably tough opponent for a lower-level party. However, an ancient red dragon has the highest strength, constitution, and charisma of any chromatic dragon, and their challenge rating skyrockets from four to 24. Adventurers can expect to have more than just their eyebrows singed.

dnd dragons blue dragon illustration

5. Blue Dragon

  • Summary: Cunning, lightning-wielding tricksters.
  • Challenge Rating: 22

Another relic of the original 1974 Dungeons and Dragons edition, the  Blue Dragon’s frilled ears and glossy blue scales betray its love of beauty and wealth – with sapphires being a particular favourite. Beware the crackle of static electricity that surrounds them, though, for blue dragons attract thunderstorms and obliterate landscapes with their lightning breath.

A challenge rating of 22 may seem unimpressive compared to other ancient chromatic dragons, but blue dragons find cunning ways to use the desert territories that they protect so fiercely. Adventurers approaching a blue dragon’s lair should beware of scattered treasures, as the blue dragon loves to lure thieves into a sinkhole trap.

dnd dragons white dragon illustration

6. White Dragon

  • Summary: Ice-breathing hunters that make good low level bosses.
  • Challenge Rating: 2-24

Introduced in first edition with its chromatic siblings, the cold-loving White Dragon skulks through snow and arctic frost when on the hunt. A party of adventurers is liable to be frozen solid by its ice breath, creating a buffet of humanoid popsicles that make the perfect trophy, or treat, to a white dragon.

White dragons are the smallest and least intelligent of the chromatic dragons (though we definitely wouldn’t say it to their face). However, lower challenge ratings  (starting at 2 for wyrmlings) make white dragons an accessible encounter for those fighting a pure dragon for the first time.

You guessed it – white dragons were also in the first ever Dungeons and Dragons. And yes. they’re also in both the Monster Manual and good old Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons.

dnd dragons copper dragon illustration

7. Copper Dragon

  • Summary: Wise-cracking and amiable, except for the acid breath.
  • Challenge Rating: 1-28

First introduced in DnD’s 1975 Greyhawk supplement, the Copper Dragon is a perfect draconic example of the ‘Chaotic Good’ DnD alignment. They’re highly intelligent, sociable, and consider a good joke as much of a treasure as gold coins – but be sure to laugh at their jokes if you want to stay in their good books.

As well as their powerful acid breath, copper dragons also have the power to exhale a gas that, on a failed DC 11 Constitution saving throw, halves the speed of an opponent. Slowed players or monsters will no longer be able to use reactions or take an action and a bonus action on the same turn.

dnd dragons gold dragon illustration

8. Gold Dragon

  • Summary: Wandering, shape-shifting do-gooder dragons.
  • Challenge Rating: 3-28

Added to the game in the original 1974 edition (unlike most of its metallic cousins, which joined later) Gold Dragons really are the gold standard when it comes to doing good in the world. Aloof and private, older gold dragons have even developed the ability to disguise themselves as humanoids and animals – though their preference for eating gold, pearls and gems will be a dead giveaway.

Out of all metallic dragons, gold dragons have the highest (or joint-highest) core stats in almost every category – beaten only in intelligence by the copper dragon. An ancient gold dragon’s fire breath deals 71 damage to anyone unlucky enough to fail a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, and their weakening breath gives players disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws for 1 minute on a failed DC 24 Strength saving throw.

dnd dragons tiamat illustration

9. Tiamat, the Dragon Queen

  • Summary: One of DnD’s iconic villains – a tyrannical, five-headed dragon goddess.
  • Challenge Rating: 30

She goes by many names: The Chromatic Dragon, Queen of Chaos, Nemesis of the Gods. No list of D&D dragons would be complete without Tiamat, the evil goddess that rules over chromatic dragonkind.

Tiamat is distinguished by her five independently-moving heads, each of which has the color and powers of one of the five chromatic dragons: blue, red, green, white, and black. With a terrifying challenge rating of 30, most players are better off encountering Tiamat in stories rather than in battle.

Tiamat first entered the DnD canon in 1975’s Greyhawk supplement, but her legend has expanded hugely in the decades since. Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons provides the stat block for the Aspect of Tiamat, a version of herself Tiamat can send to manifest in the material plane.

If you want to see Tiamat at her full power, you may want to check out the stat blocks in the Tyranny of Dragons adventure titles: Hoard of the Dragon Queen (2014) and Rise of Tiamat (2014).

With power levels for all the DnD classes significantly buffed in the new 2024 rules – and the hundreds of DnD monsters reportedly getting powered up to match – we can’t imagine how apocalyptically dangerous Tiamat will be in the new Monster Manual (not without going weak at the knees, anyhow).

dnd dragons bahamut illustration

10. Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

  • Summary: The ultra-powerful Good Guy Dragon God.
  • Challenge Rating: 30

Fortunately for many, Tiamat has a counterpart that fights for good: her brother Bahamut. This metallic dragon deity is often referred to as the grandfather of dragons, and he is said to be the only platinum dragon in existence. Bahamut has scales tougher than any shields, but he is known to shapeshift into a human form that lets him wander the world.

Bahamut famously avoids combat and killing. However, with a challenge rating of 30 – to match his sister’s – he’s no pushover. Bahamut’s breath can freeze enemies or turn them into gas, and his legendary roar has the power to deafen – or even disintegrate – any who stand in his way.

Not one to be left out, Bahamut was also a Greyhawk addition. DMs should be aware that the 5e stats for Bahamut come from the Aspect of Bahamut found in Fizban’s Treasury, as he can join the material plane much like his sister. A stat block for Bahamut in his complete form is included in ‘Draconomicon: Metallic Dragons’ (2009) from D&D 4e – which will provide some more classic-flavored inspiration for DnD homebrew fans.

That’s it for our dance of dragons (until the new Monster Manual comes along to offer us lots more updated winged beasties). For some up-to-date analysis on the new One DnD rules, check out our guides to the new DnD 2024 backgrounds and all the updated DnD feats.