Dungeons and Dragons’ digital companion site D&D Beyond has released a free adventure to mark the launch of the new Critical Role book, Call of the Netherdeep, which came out on Tuesday. The Great Jigow Scavenger Hunt is a “romp through an orc and goblin town”, set in the world of the popular D&D web series Critical Role. It can either be played standalone or run as an introductory adventure that serves as a prelude to Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep’s first chapter.
Like D&D Beyond’s recent free Valentine’s Day adventure, the Great Jigow Scavenger Hunt is a whimsical ride. It sees players searching a town for a crate of festival supplies, encountering a tortoise stampede and taking a dip in a pest-infested river on the way. This free D&D adventure comes complete with a D&D map of the town of Jigow, modified from the one found in the Call of the Netherdeep Critical Role book.
The adventure is designed to take a party of three or four 3rd-level characters a couple of hours to complete. It’s mainly full of riddle solving and social encounters, so bring your Bard, even if they’re really annoying. Combat does feature however, so your Fighter shouldn’t leave their sword at home.
Upon completing the The Great Jigow Scavenger Hunt, you’ll be rewarded with a little bit of gold and a useful 5e magic item, though more treasures and trinkets can be obtained en route by an industrious party. If you’re a DM looking to run the adventure as part of a Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep campaign, there are suggestions at the end for tying it in neatly with the book’s first chapter, which kicks off with the ‘Festival of Merit’ in Jigow.
Released on Tuesday, the Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep book holds a seven chapter adventure in the world of Exandria, the setting of Critical Role. Though full of locations from the web series, Call of the Netherdeep’s designed to be accessible to new players. It features a wide range of environments, a mysterious secret society, and a dangerous substance called Ruidium.
Of course, Critical Role isn’t just the series and the books. There’s a veritable empire of content which surrounds it, from Critical Role miniatures to Critical Role bath bombs. If you’re all about the adventure though, you might be more enthused by this guide to the best D&D books in existence.